Query Swap Twitter Event…

Back in May, I participated in a blog tour hosted by M.L. Keller, aka The Manuscript Shredder. Well, it’s that time of year again. The #QuerySwap Twitter event will be taking place 1 January 2018, from 8am to 8pm EST.

Query Swap returns 1 January 2018

Be productive on National Hangover Day and get free feedback on your query hook or back cover blurb.

Query Swap is a a biennial Twitter event where writers meet and exchange feedback on query letters or back cover blurbs.

All you need to participate is:
• Tweet a brief pitch about your MS with the tag #QuerySwap include genre and age category hashtags.
• Watch the feed and find someone with an MS in a similar genre, category, and tone
• Ask him/her to swap
• Exchange queries
• Give constructive feedback to your new Critique Partner.

Your hook is your novel’s selling point. Make sure yours is ready. Get free help during Query Swap

For complete information see http://themanuscriptshredder.com/query-swap/


Pitch Wars 2017 continued…

After posting about the excitement of entering Pitch Wars, I went silent. There’s a reason for that—I got in!


This came as a huge surprise and with great excitement. Almost 3,000 entries were whittled down to about 180 mentees. Those are incredible odds, and I’m still shocked I was one of those picks. On top of that, one of my critique partners also made the cut. So began two months of rollercoaster fun and editing. There were highs and lows felt by all, but the amount of support between mentees and their mentors was amazing.


As we approached the big agent showcase, the mentees took to Twitter (using the #PW17Countdown hashtag) with a daily prompt regarding their manuscripts. Okay… I confess. I created the prompts. Why? Because with the excitement came a whole lot of anxiety, and I thought we could all do with a little distraction. It was great fun and really encouraged mentees to share the love of their books with the world.


I loved all the aesthetics I created so much I wanted to share them here… This is for a romantic suspense about a woman who sets out to avenge her mother’s murder. And the man who’s willing to do anything to protect her.

3 Opening scene
Opening Scene…
6 Character aesthetics
Character aesthetics…
7 Inspirational tunes
Inspirational tunes…
8 Symbols & Objects
Symbolism & important objects…
9 Favourite line
Favourite line…
Bonus favourite line…


11 Closing scene
Closing scene…


Pitch Wars came to an official end this week, after a whirlwind agent showcase, but a lot of writing journeys are only just beginning! I can’t wait to see all these wonderful books get snatched up.

